WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY STAFFING AND RECRUITMENTCOMMITTEE Draft MINUTES 26/01/07 DRAFT MINUTES of MEETING of the STAFFING AND RECRUITMENT COMMITTEE of THE CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY held at the Village Hall, Cromdale on 26 January 2007 Present: Eric Baird Anne MacLean David Green Sandy Park Bob Kinnaird In Attendance: Jane Hope, Chief Executive David Cameron, Head of Corporate Services Fran Scott, HR Manager Apologies: None Election of Chair 1. David Cameron advised that as this was the first meeting of the Committee since September, members were required to elect a Chair under the Boards Standing Orders. David Green nominated Anne MacLean, this nomination seconded by Eric Baird. There being no other nominations, Anne MacLean was declared chair. Welcome and Apologies 2. Anne MacLean as Chair welcomed all present to the meeting and noted there were no apologies. Special welcome was given to Bob Kinnaird, as this was his first meeting. Minutes of Previous Meeting 3. The minutes of the previous meeting, of 28 July 2006, were approved without amendment. Matters Arising 4. Members noted that the development of work addressing issues arising from the staff survey, considered at their previous meeting, had now been absorbed into the work of the Staff Consultative Forum (SCF). 5. Members welcomed that, in line with previous discussions, the agenda had now been split between open and confidential items rather than the full agenda being confidential as previously. Members affirmed their desire that there should be a presumption of items being “open” and a clear justification for any items being considered as confidential. Balanced Scorecard: Staffing Measures (Paper 1) 6. David Cameron introduced this paper, which sought to outline the management team’s plans to develop a balanced scorecard organisational performance monitoring tool. The purpose of the paper was to seek the Committee’s approval to the monitoring measures that would reflect staff and human resource management performance. 7. Bob Kinnaird highlighted that it would be helpful to have some measure of overall staff satisfaction as had been disclosed within the staff survey, while also recognising that this would be very difficult to measure and update for quarterly balanced scorecard reports. 8. In discussion, members mentioned that it may be possible to incorporate some measure of staff attitude through exit interviews with those staff leaving the organisation. The appraisal system may also provide useful information on general themes running through staff comment, and there may, therefore, be an opportunity to incorporate some standard questions into the appraisal form in the future. 9. Members agreed the proposed staff and HR measures for inclusion within the Authority’s balanced scorecard monitoring tool. Members noted that the discussion had highlighted some potential future development of the tool. Update on Staff Consultative Forum and HR Policy Development (Paper 2 and minutes of SCF meetings) 10. Fran Scott introduced these papers and highlighted main development in the area of HR policies had been in the areas of weekend working, adverse weather, advance expense claims, personal protective equipment and health and safety. These policies had been subject to consultation with staff representatives through the SCF prior to finalisation. Full minutes of the SCF meetings since the last meeting of the Committee had been provided to update members. 11. Eric Baird reported that he felt the SCF was working very well, providing an effective opportunity for an open and robust exchange of views. Jane Hope confirmed that the development and operation of the SCF was now a very important element of organisational management. David Cameron confirmed that the input of Board, through direct representation on the Forum by Eric and Anne had been explicitly welcomed by staff and union representatives and was equally welcomed by himself and Fran. 12. The Committee welcomed the policy development reported and noted the activity of the Staff Consultative Forum. Absence Report (Paper 3) 13. Fran Scott introduced this paper, highlighting there were no absence trends within the organisation giving any cause for concern and absences were generally at low levels. 14. The Committee noted the report and welcomed the low absence levels among staff. Staff Turnover and Recruitment (Paper 4) 15. Fran Scott highlighted to Committee that staff turnover had been relatively high over the last 12 months, mainly as a result of staff taking up secondment opportunities and new staff taking up posts. Jane Hope indicated that the organisation had been actively encouraging the secondment process. Secondments were supportive of our own staff accessing development opportunities and also a benefit to the Authority in other organisations being willing to share their staff and, through this, allowing some posts to be filled on relatively short-term contracts where more traditional recruitment may have been problematic. While this had resulted in higher turnover rates in the short term, it was to the long term benefit of the organisation. 16. In discussion, members agreed that accessing secondment opportunities was a positive for staff and the organisation, particularly in the Authority’s case as a small-scale, rural organisation. Members noted that they needed to reinforce this point more with their fellow Board members. 17. Members also recognised the benefits of some staff turnover within an organisation, allowing adjustments in staff structure and personnel to be made. 18. The Committee noted the report. Any Other Business 19. The Chair highlighted that papers on the Authority’s Disability Equalities Duties had been circulated previously for comment and requested that these papers should go formally to Board. The full Board should be made aware of the content of these documents, their legal standing, and the Board’s consequent responsibilities. This should also be the case for Gender and Race equality schemes. 20. Action: Papers on Equality Schemes to Board. Resolution to go into Confidential Session 21. The Chair highlighted that papers had been circulated with a request that the Committee consider these in confidence due to sensitive staffing information. 22. Members agreed to go into a confidential session. 23. Jane Hope left the meeting at this point. Date of Next Meeting 24. To be arranged as business required.